Features under reconstruction water tower to hotel and restaurant in the historical center of Zhitomir


  • L. Gnatiuk
  • K. Voitenko




Cultural heritage, reconstruction, water tower, the design environment, neo gothic.


This paper deals with the peculiarities reconstruction of cultural heritage sites - the water tower in the historic center of Zhitomir. The analysis of the reconstruction of water towers of the nineteenth century, in hotel and restaurant complex in Western Europe. The features of reconstruction under the water tower hotel and restaurant in the cit. Zhitomir. Defined methods and means of protecting the integrity of cultural heritage. The measures popularization of cultural heritage of the city of hiking trails.


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How to Cite

Gnatiuk, L., & Voitenko, K. (2015). Features under reconstruction water tower to hotel and restaurant in the historical center of Zhitomir. Theory and Practice of Design, (8), 68–73. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.8.10468


