Industrial art, applied geometry, computer modeling: synergy and prospects


  • V. Mychajlenko
  • Y. Kovaluov



Industrial art, applied geometry, computer modelling, curves and surfaces morphogenesis, fractals, the person-environment model, interior style, expert estimation, the device of mental regulation.


Last achievements in the field of an industrial art, applied geometry, computer modelling were analyzed. It is shown that their complex use gives synergetic effect as in traditional sphere of geometrical methods usage of - problems morphogenesis, and in nonconventional - modelling and optimization of the person and environment interactions. It allows not only to prove system of parameters with what should satisfy object of design, but also define new stylistic decisions and technical realizations. Examples of positive effect achievement at the expense of an industrial art, applied geometry, computer modelling methods complex usage are resulted. The list of directions and problems, where expediently complex use of these methods is resulted.


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How to Cite

Mychajlenko, V., & Kovaluov, Y. (2014). Industrial art, applied geometry, computer modeling: synergy and prospects. Theory and Practice of Design, (6), 117–126.


