
  • Н.І. Ашиток Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка



culturogical approach, Information Society, children with special needs, special education


Introduction. The author notes the priorities of special education development in the context of the Information Society. In spite of progressive technologies and innovative structure of the system, Information Society, is considerably contradictory. These contradictions arise between the technological capabilities of this type of society and the needs of education and culture. The aim and tasks. The aim of the article is to investigate the development of domestic special pedagogy in the era of the Information Society formation. The tasks of the article are to consider the contradictions that arise in the special education, to analyse ways to overcome some of them. Research methods. The paper uses general scientific and special research methods. The main method among others was the system analysis one. In addition, methods of induction, deduction, analysis and others were used. Research results. The necessity of introducing culturogical aspect while setting goals for the special education and evaluation of its capabilities is addressed in the article to. In the process of learning and mentoring it is important to take into account specific cultural interests of children with special needs. Recognition of the special cultural needs imply the description of the system of relationships, the identification systems, the specificity of the constituent elements of cultural environment adequate for children with special needs, a reference group as a condition of human development, searching for the language of communication, both for internal needs of this group and for communication with others. Discussion. The views on the content of the special education are analysed. The need to revise the concepts of culture in modern theory and practice of special education is due to the more productive use of cultural knowledge in the process of creating an educational and cultural environment for the development of children is discussed. Conclusion. Culture and pedagogical work act as a factor of social progress and the civilization development in the Information epoch.

Author Biography

Н.І. Ашиток, Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка

професор кафедри соціальної педагогіки та корекційної освіти


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Cultural Studies