Visual merchandising (registration of shop-windows) as a form of artistic representation of costume


  • O. M. Lagoda Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy



Representation of costume, visual merchandising, registration of shop-windows.


An author examines the art of registration of shop-windows as constituent of visual merchandising and one of forms of presentations of fashionable suit, makes historical examples and receptions of registration of shop-windows. In modern terms they are conceptual, maximally close to installations and works of art, PR- become motions of department store or separate brand. The design of shop-windows does actual the problem of their functioning as visual merchandising in the conditions of municipal environment. A problem is studied not enough.

Author Biography

O. M. Lagoda, Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy

Lagoda O.M., candidate. of Arts, Associate Professor, Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Lagoda, O. M. (2013). Visual merchandising (registration of shop-windows) as a form of artistic representation of costume. Theory and Practice of Design, (4), 96–104.


