Features oriental ornament and its use in the design of ceramic tiles


  • V. F. Ys National Aviation University, Kyiv
  • K. S. Sahno National Aviation University, Kyiv




Ornament, ceramic tile, еast, interior, color, tradition.


The number of questions were put on for the studying of composite means of artistic shaping of ceramic tile with oriental ornaments in this article and its using ways in design of interiors . Special attention is paid to the individual elements of ornament and using in such areas as: kitchen, bathrooms, hookah, a café, etc.

Author Biographies

V. F. Ys, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Ys V.F., Senior Lecturer, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

K. S. Sahno, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Sahno K.S., National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Ys, V. F., & Sahno, K. S. (2013). Features oriental ornament and its use in the design of ceramic tiles. Theory and Practice of Design, (3), 160–167. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.3.6247


