Didgital-art securities





digital art, computer technologies, aesthetic decoration, pattern curves, Compositional features, colors, securities, design, guilloche technology, aesthetic perception, rosette, printing protection


Goal. The purpose of the article is to determine the range of issues, to develop requirements for the decoration of industrial facilities and its place in digital art, its implementation in the design of securities. Methodology. System-comparative analysis of existing areas of digital art and graphic design; hermeneutic analysis; methods of geometric means adapted to graphic visualization; methods of analytical geometry. Results. The essence of the author’s research lies in the definition of digital art as a systemic creative and creative artistic component, which at the same time has similar characteristics to graphic design; determining the possibility of providing aesthetic indicators of the product when using geometric hardware components in digital form, which provides, in fact, digital art, figuratively speaking, “second breath”. In other words, diversifies the artistic arsenal, gives it creative computer power to solve unique problems for objects of common use, such as gaming equipment in board games — playing cards, as well as in design objects of national importance. The result is also presented in the form of digital art illustrations of securities. Scientific novelty. The current state of digital art is analyzed. Its branches have been studied and the connections with graphic design have been determined. Peculiarities of guilloche decoration in the form of rosettes on securities are determined. The tasks and requirements of design are set. The regularities of decoration are described — it has protective and aesthetic functions, which are realized by graphic design procedures. The use of natural equations to describe curves and provide them is proposed of a certain color. Their influence on the structure, compositional features of the security is evaluated and its example is given. Practical significance. The method proposed in this paper does not use the concept of symmetry and allows you to describe, including “vortex” sockets, which will also increase the degree of protection of their configurations. The description of patterned sockets can be based on the software of various technical devices.
Formulation of the problem. With the introduction of computer technology for the manufacture of printed security features began to use computers with graphics software, as well as specialized software products, such as SecuritySoft Co. Graphic files created as a result of scanning the security pattern are now used to send copies to regional offices.
But even monochrome guilloche elements are difficult to replicate by copying on a scanner due to the fact that they contain rather thin lines. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to transfer not the image of the pattern, but the algorithm for constructing this pattern. Analysis of recent research and publications in traditional techniques. At the same time, a simple thing is forgotten – art cannot be reduced to a technique, to a tool, to a plot - it is constituted by a unique vision of the artist ”[(GN Lola, 2012)]. At the same time, in a broader sense, «Digital art» is applied to contemporary art that uses mass production methods or digital media. [(Kirichenko O., 2019)]. In the normative document “Rules for the production of forms of securities and strict accounting documents” of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine order № 98/118/740 from 25.11.1993 as of 2007 considered only the production requirements and it is considered that the artistic and design characteristics are set quality. The difficulties of compositional formation are also evidenced by the relatively compositional, geometrically-compositional description of the structural composition of the socket, for example, in the work of Ya.Chernikhov [Chernikhov J., 2007], in which in addition to, in fact, construction, involved and color scheme, which also needs to be addressed. It should be noted that in the existing literary sources this branch of graphic design does not have sufficient coverage. In the presentation of the main material the varieties of digital art are considered, certain requirements, for example, in technical and social papers concerning constructive characteristics of images, artistic characteristics —smoothness of lines and geometrical signs of their form. The task of design-designing of securities in graphic design with the aspect of stylistic and compositional definition. The authors have developed a mathematical software for graphical display of patterned curves, taking into account geometric features and colors.
Conclusions. As a result of the generalized analysis of the compositional, artistic and aesthetic qualities of finishing on securities, the range of tasks for their design, and, accordingly, the requirements for synthesis in artistic, design creativity, science and practical orientation, computerization of the design process with the advantages of the latest technologies. Disclosure of the symbolic essence of decoration provides opportunities for the use of geometric design of aesthetically defined elements of securities.
Key words: digital art, computer technologies; aesthetic decoration; pattern curves; composition; colors; securities, design; guilloche technology; aesthetic perception; rosette; printing protection


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How to Cite

Kardash, O., & Chelombitko, V. (2021). Didgital-art securities. Theory and Practice of Design, (23), 105–114. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.23.16274



02 Culture and art