Features and specifics of modern hotels lobby design


  • Олена Ігорівна Сідорова
  • Ганна Володимирівна Роботницька
  • Станіслава Олегівна Огороднік




Hotel lobby, Interior, Design, Composition, Types of spatial composition of interiors, Means of artistic expression of composition, Architectural and artistic techniques, Perspective illusions


The purpose of this article is to analyze the spatial organization of the interiors of hotel lobbies, the most successful compositional solutions and types of spatial composition. Identifying the compositional features of the lobbies of hotels loved by tourists will allow designers and architects to consciously use the most promising types of compositions and compositional techniques in the design of hotel lobbies, which will significantly save the time of designers.

The analysis of the compositional organization of the space is carried out, the types of compositions are revealed, the means of artistic expression of the composition and architectural and artistic techniques are used, which give the interiors uniqueness, sophistication and encourage visitors to return to their favorite place. It is established that the most common is the centric type of composition of hotel lobbies. And the main accent and the center of the composition is the reception or fountain (in the eastern and southern regions) or a decorative small architectural form. The importance of the compositional center is emphasized by columns, a light lantern or a ceremonial chandelier. The second common type of composition of hotel lobbies is the axial composition. Most often, the main axis connects the entrance area and the reception area. Along the axis on both sides are waiting and rest areas. Sometimes along the main axis there are also tour desks, boutiques with souvenirs, reference books. Usually it is a symmetrical and static composition, but asymmetrical, dynamic options are also possible. Multi-center and multi-axis compositions are commonly used in lobbies with a complex layout. Individual compositional centers are formed in the lobbies of a large area by groups of elements around their own accents and often correspond to different functional areas. Accents in such multicenter compositions can be small architectural forms, elements of aquadesign, including fountains, aquariums, terrariums, green walls of live plants, winter gardens, elements of children's playgrounds, etc. Features of the solution of hotel lobbies are the use of differences in the height of the room, a game with scales, promising portals and other promising illusions that illusory change the size of the premises. An interesting technique is to use the ethnic features of art from different regions, which creates a unique national color of the interior


