Approaches to the formation of public space in cities with hot climates based on the concept of sustainable development


  • Сергій Григорович Буравченко
  • Олександр Григорович Пивоваров
  • Мохаммед Ахмед Алі Сулайман



Sustainable development of territories, Southern city, Islamic city problems of economic, Social and environmental nature, City center, Historical area of the city, Transport problems, Unity of architectural composition, Approaches to reconstruction


Goal. Determination of approaches to the formation of public space in cities with hot climates, taking into account the concepts of sustainable development. The solution of the three-single problem - economic, social and environmental in nature - ensures the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development of territories. It revealing that balance is not a new concept, it using in urban planning and architecture since ancient times. According to the authors, traditional Islamic architecture is a sustainable architecture that has adopted the intellectual aspects of religion and reflected the cultural, civilizational and economic aspects of various peoples around the world.

It establishing that city planning in terms of shape, length, width and direction of development of spaces are forms of adaptation to the environment. The sustainable structure of these urban spaces results in improved resistance to negative factors such as heat, dusty and hot winds. The integration of traditional architecture and global concepts of sustainable development facilitating by such modern approaches: the concept and standards of green architecture, design models of sustainable construction, standards and solutions of a smart city.

It has been determined that opposing the requirements of globalization is not the correct approach - regional adaptation to it will be successful. The center of the southern city is the definition of the historical area and the surrounding commercial area, in particular the service center, the central market, and the main square. The problems of the centers of the cities of Libya identifying, among which attention is drawn to transport and infrastructure, the inconsistency of the use and non-use of urban space, the deterioration of environmental conditions, and the problems of the unity of the architectural composition.

The methodological approaches to the improvement of cities systematizing as - complex reconstruction; partial (selective) development; conservation and elevation. It has been determined that for the conditions of such cities as you will conquer, taking into account the real state of urban development and the economy, the last two approaches should be priority. The practical significance of this work is to improve the balance of urban development in the southern city.


