The principles of the formation of adap-tive housing in accordance with changes in the family


  • Сергій Григорович Буравченко
  • Катерина Дмитрівна Сплавська



Adaptation, Adaptive architecture, Adaptive housing, Housing, Residential development, Transformation, Architectural and planning organization, Building engineering equipment, Space, Internal transformation, Multifunctionality


Goal. Development and substantiation of the need to form the architecture of adaptive housing, the effectiveness of its development in time.  To develop principles for the formation of the architectural and spatial structure of adaptive housing, ensuring the efficiency and sustainability of its development over time, taking into account the changing lifestyle and needs of the inhabitant.

Methodology. Adaptive architecture acts as a variant of capital construction, allows us to propose a new typology of residential buildings, corresponding to changes in the needs of society.  Refusal to build from scratch and the introduction of adaptive architecture into the existing development has economic and environmental advantages, allows you to identify the weak areas of the city and the potential for the development of the place, thereby solving the problems of urban sprawl and increasing the length of transport communications. In addition to solving environmental and economic problems, adaptive architecture also acts as a social assistance, providing affordable housing for different social categories.

Results. As a result of the study, the basic characteristics of space adaptation were formulated. Three groups of adaptation factors are identified: conditions, processes, user.  An apartment is considered in which, depending on changes in the family, the area or purpose of the premices changes.

Scientific novelty. Defined and characterized: new approaches and solutions to the issues of inconsistency of living space, variable needs of residents in the operation of the building.

Reasoned: the formation of adaptive housing in accordance with changes in the family.  Practical significance. To develop techniques for the formation of adaptive housing - a phased expansion and transformation of living space, depending on changes in the owner's lifestyle, changes in the composition of the family. The research results can be used in the development of mid-rise urban multi-apartment housing, block and estate type housing


