History of urban planning in Veliky Novgorod. The evolution and comparative characteristics of the architecture of ancient Novgorod of the XI — XV centuries and landscaping the urban space of modern Veliky Novgorod.


  • Оксана Іванівна Косик Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
  • Валерія Андріївна Овчаренко Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка




Veliky Novgorod, Ancient Novgorod, Gardening, The evolution of architecture, Parks, Squares, Project


The article discusses the history of the formation of the city of Veliky Novgorod through the prism of urban planning techniques at the stages of foundation of the city in the tenth century. (in XI - XII centuries. in other versions), trade and craft development and housing expansion, the Mongol invasion and fragmentation, World War II, postwar times and its present state. The peculiarities of the architectural and planning structure of Novgorod are characteristic of most ancient cities, as well as their own identical features of the city that distinguish it from others, both at the beginning of formation and in modern realities.

Based on the analysis of the architectural monuments of the 11th — 15th centuries, before and after the formation of the eternal republic, that have survived to our days. A pattern of a change in architectural styles in the selected historical period of time was discovered. Among them are such landmark buildings as the Novgorod Detinets, the shaft of the town and the Oleksiyivska (White) Tower, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Nicholas Cathedral, the Church of the Savior on Neredytsia and many other churches, cathedrals and temples.

The current state of gardening in Veliky Novgorod is shown in connection with the environmental situation, climate, geographical factors on the examples of already existing, reconstructed, only laid, recently realized parks, squares, other green public areas. One of the modern park projects, aimed at improving the state of landscaping of the city and rational use of free space, with its indicated disadvantages and advantages, as well as the feasibility of implementation, is presented.

The given subjective assessment of the current state of greening the city as a whole and the example of individual parks, forest parks, squares, embankments, etc., as well as compared with previous years. For this purpose, the above-mentioned project plan was used, as well as the official summary of the results of renovation works on the city's administrative site.


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Индекс загрязнения атмосферы (ИЗА) Великого Новгорода от 26 января 2013 на Wayback Machine.

Индекс загрязнённости вод (ИЗВ) Волхова в районе Великого Новгорода от 26 января 2013 на Wayback Machine.

А. Г. Плахонін. Новгород Великий // Енциклопедія історії України : у 10 т. / редкол.: В. А. Смолій (голова) та ін. ; Інститут історії України НАН України. — К. : Наук. думка, 2010. — Т. 7 : Мл — О. — С. 441.

Методический материал для уроков краеведения "Почвы Новгородской области": http://urok.1sept.ru/статьи /528615/.

Старые карты Великого Новгорода: https://turfront.ru/pub-190.

А. Сабельский, Как академик Щусев Новгород спасал: "КП-Великий Новгород".

Офіційний сайт адміністрації Великого Новгорода: https://www.adm.nov.ru/page/33060.




