Architectural planning of the modern capital on the example of the city of Washington


  • Лілія Романівна Гнатюк Національний авіаційний університет
  • Анастасія Вікторівна Пишненко Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка



Architectural and planning decision, Modern capital, Harmonious composition


The basic architectural and planning decision of the city Washington, which is an example of regular planning, is investigated.

The composition scheme of the city has been discovered. The composition of Washington's main alley, planned in the heart of the nation's capital, is analyzed. It is a venue for national events, public gatherings, the site of government structures, museums and national memorials and serves the recreational function of the population. The organization of the city prospectus system, which extends radially from rectangular blocks, provides space for open space and landscaping. Features of communicative design are revealed.

The main guidelines were identified to ensure the monumental, dignified and symbolic location of government structures, museums and national memorials, in keeping with the plans of Lanfan and Macmillan, to keep part of the Potomac West Park alley as a public recreation park. Ensuring the existence of the alley in the heart of the nation's capital as a place for national events and a special place for public gatherings, since this is how the constitutional right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly is expressed; keeping the alley free of commercial advertisements while giving the opportunity to pay tribute to the benefactors.

It is analyzed what role in the architectural and planning structure of the National Alley plays the water spaces represented by the reflecting pools.

The factors that have led to the city's formation as a "clean" US capital have been investigated. The algorithm of permanent restriction of the development of industry, in particular the construction of large enterprises, has been revealed.

It was found that the main structures were intended to be built in the Baroque style, the avenues had to radiate from rectangular quarters to provide space for open space and landscaping.

A law that restricts high-rise buildings and opens opportunities to enjoy Washington's landscapes at different points in the city is considered.

Author Biography

Лілія Романівна Гнатюк, Національний авіаційний університет

канд.арх., доцент


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