Features of directions of historical development of font compositions in interior design


  • I. Kuznetsova
  • O. Lilchitskiy
  • A. Heher
  • V. Us




A font composition, an interior, a development direction, the letter, a material, the tool, technology, an innovation, computer and LED - technologies.


Features of directions of historical development of font compositions (FC) in interior design are considered in article. At the first stage of development of FC the person stayed in search of the most qualitative transmission medium of the information. Such means of a steel of a letter. It has allowed to transfer quickly messages thanks to system of coding and decoding of symbols. The durability was the unique requirement to a material and drawing means. It has caused features of the first direction in development of FC in an interior. Formation of form of FC is based on a straight line. Essential development of material resources of means and ways of drawing of inscriptions is traced in the second direction of historical development of FC. Requirements of the person are not limited by unique requirement of a survival. Therefore the aspiration to beauty in all environment of the person, in particular in an interior, is shown. FC are defined by possibilities of use of a paint and a brush. There are curvilinear compositions. The direction is characterised by occurrence of difficult fonts. Formation of form FC is based on a curve and a straight line. The third direction displays essence of rough technological development of XX century. Occurrence of new means for creation of FC has allowed to appear to figurative decisions which are capable to influence the person, to do  life more convenient. Formation of form of FC  is based on geometrical transformations (without dynamics). The fourth direction was beyond usual representation of the person about use of FC in an interior. FC are capable to develop in space and in time, are allocated by dynamics. They are not limited by a plane, a material resources. Means for creation of FC became computer and LED - technologies. The world which promptly develops towards information, has strengthened requirement of the person for personification of personal space. FC steels one of tools for satisfaction of such requirement. A basis of formation of form of FC is topological transformation.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova, I., Lilchitskiy, O., Heher, A., & Us, V. (2018). Features of directions of historical development of font compositions in interior design. Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 73–86. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.14.13454


