Replication expedients in interior design


  • N. Bazhiievska Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ



Replication, stylization, aesthetics, artifact, art design, interior design, style, artistic image, author's style.


The article deals with replication – creation of non-identical copy in design. This is a method of actively involving previous product design developments and characteristic style features in contemporary design and production. Examples of the implemented replication in the design of individual elements and the interior as a complex object are given. Demonstration of known forms and objects propagates aesthetics of a certain style and material. Based on the analysis of well-known designers’ products the main techniques of replication in the interior design were found: the reproduction of the form in new materials and technologies, the creation of an analogue of the design, the borrowing of manufacturing technology in new forms, copying of functional characteristics and features, stylization by implementation of artifacts as signs of another style, the replication of the shape forming philosophical. The expediency of replication in design. The efficiency of replication in the figurative concept creation is shown. The influence of replication techniques on the common style formation is described. The role of a replica in revealing the author's individuality of the artist or inventor is demonstrated. In the article social and cultural potential of replicas in the author's style of famous designers is described. The use of borrowed artifacts without a common scenario and a new concept should be considered inappropriate. This leads to a negative eclectic result. For example, popular phrase: "the interior in the style ... (the name of a historical style)" – is not suitable for professional use for the description of nowadays projects. In the future, it is planned to investigate means of replication and the aspect of replication of natural materials in technological substitutes.


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How to Cite

Bazhiievska, N. (2018). Replication expedients in interior design. Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 27–38.


