Heat transfer performance uniformity factor for the basement floor made of brick vaults in residential historic buildings


  • V. Murgul National Aviation University




Historic building, basement floor, energy efficient, reconstruction, heat transfer performance uniformity factor.


The paper exposes the calculation of Heat transfer performance uniformity factorfor the basement floor made of brick vaults in residential historic buildings. It was determined that the temperature pattern on the floor surface of the premise could be characterized as uniform one. Heat transfer performance uniformity factor for the considered basement floor design can be ignored during the thermotechnical calculations. Thermal resistance calculation is performed for the overlap structure with the smallest thickness.


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How to Cite

Murgul, V. (2017). Heat transfer performance uniformity factor for the basement floor made of brick vaults in residential historic buildings. Theory and Practice of Design, (11), 128–134. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.11.11890


