Development and animation of three-dimensional model of a character for a computer game
Character, high-polygonal model, animation, 3DSMax, model optimization.Abstract
The article shows the process of creating realistic three-dimensional character in the 3D Max environment: from concept art to development of the skeleton and animation of it. In a third-person game, the main character is constantly in the field of a camera view, often occupies most of the screen with sufficient increase. The increased requirements to a study of both the model, and textures are imposed. The importance of optimizing high-polygonal model to improve overall performance of the system resources in the game highlighted in the work. The methods allowing to reduce the number of polygons without essential loss of visual quality of model are considered and analysed.References
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How to Cite
Korneichyk, A., Glibko, E., & Maksimova, M. (2016). Development and animation of three-dimensional model of a character for a computer game. Theory and Practice of Design, (10), 70–77.