adaptive antenna system, antenna array, constructive synthesis, navigation data availability, network satellite systems, optimization, radiation patternAbstract
Purpose: to adapt the techniques of constructive synthesis of phased antenna arrays. On the basis of the received technique, to optimize the antenna array of receiving devices of consumer equipment for the adaptive antenna system of network satellite systems. Methods: the approach is based on the methods for synthesis of phased antenna arrays and antennas with a continuous opening. Results: in the article we have suggested a method for the constructive synthesis and optimization of the antenna array of adaptive systems of interference compensation for receiving devices of global navigation satellite systems on the basis of the methods for the synthesis of phased antenna arrays PAR in the form of a directional pattern. The method of synthesizing the antenna array is confirmed by the modeling results. Discussion: the method is proposed for designing the optimal antenna array in the adaptive antenna system of the receiving devices of consumer equipment of the network satellite systems, for protection from cyber threats - ensuring accessibility and integrity of navigational data.
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