The influence of the preparations Vympel 2, Oracle multicomplex and their mixtures on the height of plants of spring barley varieties
barley, Vympel 2, Oracle, Sebastian, HeliosAbstract
The growth processes of spring barley plants are quite important for studying the formation of above-ground mass of plants and their maximum productivity. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to study the effect of Vympel 2, Oracle multicomplex and the mixture of Vympel 2 + Oracle multicomplex on the height of spring barley plants of the Sebastian and Helios varieties. The research was carried out during the growing season on the basis of a temporary field experiment located in the Skvirsk research station of organic production. When using a mixture of Vympel 2 + Oracle multicomplex preparations, spring barley plants in the full maturation phase were 7 cm taller than the untreated variants (control). It was established that the treatment of spring barley plants with a microfertilizer and a growth stimulator ensured an increase in the linear dimensions of the plants in height in all phases of their development.
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