Influence of gelatin on structure and properties of polivinylacetate


  • Г. Ф. Фабуляк National Aviation University
  • Л. Д. Масленнікова National Aviation University
  • Л. О. Смашнюк National Aviation University



polyvinylacetate, gelatin, upramolecular structure


The results of the analysis upramolecular structure polyvinylacetate-gelatin composition were given. Found that the change of gelatin’s content in polyvinylacetate bring about transformation occurring with micellar polyvinylacetate structures. The results of research make it possible to obtain new polymeric materials with prescribed properties.

Author Biographies

Г. Ф. Фабуляк, National Aviation University

professor of chemistry and chemical technology department, doctor of chemical science, professor

Л. Д. Масленнікова, National Aviation University

professor of chemistry and chemical technology department, candidate of chemical science, associate professor

Л. О. Смашнюк, National Aviation University

student of chemistry and chemical technology department


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Experimental articles