Key words: social worker, game method, clients, social problemsAbstract
The article examines the use of gaming technologies in social work. Social work, as a field of activity, is focused on improving the quality of life of people who find themselves in difficult life situations. This is a wide range of actions aimed at supporting, counseling and helping different groups of the population to overcome difficulties and achieve social adaptation.
The purpose of the article was to investigate the features of technologies with clients of social work. In today's world, in the context of growing social challenges and needs, gaming technologies are becoming a necessary tool for providing assistance to various categories of social work clients. This included the following tasks: substantiating the requirements for the formation of the competence of higher education applicants under the Social Work Program. Theoretical, general scientific and empirical methods were used in the research process. The study covered higher education recipients of the BA "Bachelor" who are studying under the OPP "Social Work" at the National Aviation University.
The results. The ability to create interactive and adaptive approaches contributes to the improvement of work efficiency and the provision of higher quality services by social workers. From the point of view of social work, the variety of games becomes a powerful tool for achieving various goals in working with clients. Games are used as a means of increasing the effectiveness of interaction and promoting the development of various aspects of personality.
Conclusion. Prevention of social problems is one of the key goals of social work, achieving this goal is used with the help of various methods, such as information campaigns, coaching, educational programs, trainings and consultations. The purpose of these methods is to increase people's awareness and knowledge, as well as the development of skills that will help avoid social problems. Social problems often appear as a result of inequality in society, conflicts, job loss, excessive stress or poor access to basic life needs. Understanding the roots and nature of these problems is key to developing strategies to solve them and improve the quality of life of the people affected by them.
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