Aviation English, aviation professionals, educational reflection, questionnaire, sociolinguistic data.Abstract
Language proficiency is important for professionals of different fields. However, it is crucial when it comes to aviation professionals – pilots and air traffic controllers. Not only the success of human endeavours, but also the lives of communicators and travelling public depend on language proficiency of these professionals. The objective of the current study was to find out how representatives of different educational backgrounds and age groups (active operational professionals and ab initio students), united by professional interest (aviation) assessed their language proficiency and its role for efficient professional activity. Methods of the research. Two questionnaires were compiled to fulfil the objective of the research. The respondents to the first questionnaire were 200 undergraduates (ab initio students) of National Aviation University, Flight Academy of National Aviation University (Kirovohrad) and Kremenchug Flight College. Fifty active operational professionals (pilots of different Ukrainian airlines and air traffic control personnel of Boryspil International Airport) answered the second questionnaire. The respondents’ answers revealed sociolinguistic data about ab initio students and active operational professionals in Ukrainian aviation, clarified problems they encounter in professional communication, outlined their expectations from initial and refresh language training. Survey results served as basis for educational reflection. Collected data proved to be beneficial for designing a curriculum for Aviation English. Conclusions. It was found out that Aviation English training should have a predominantly communicative focus that enables involving trainees into various interactive activities that mirror pilots’ and air traffic controllers’ working environmentsReferences
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