ecologization of disciplines, environmental safety, environmental competence, ecological culture, ecology of space and aviation, continuous environmental educationAbstract
Solving environmental problems that have arisen due to the dominance in education of the bureaucratic principle of human-centeredness, the absence of a system of continuous, cross-cutting environmental education and training, requires the reorientation of educational technologies that have to organize an advanced innovative level of environmental thinking, world outlook, ethics, culture, and concentrate pedagogical efforts on development natural creative sprouts, based on a motivated, meaningful knowledge of the latest domestic and foreign sources. This will ensure a real progress of the state in the branding world format, in particular in the aerospace industry.
The urgent need is to master the knowledge about the universe, the space that borders on the biosphere, the space activity of mankind, which again repeats the mistakes of the development of Nature on the planet. The proposed course broadens the scope of environmental education, which is designed to shape not only the ecological competence of future professionals, current managers, managers of all levels, the population, but also develop strategic competence in order to prolong the life of the biosphere of our planet.
The course "Ecological Safety of the Earth and Space Biosphere" is proposed to improve the level of students' motivation, the formation of environmental competence of future ecologists, graduates of the National Aviation University, and students of the postgraduate education direction, which is devoted to four modules: 1 - Evolution of cosmicism; 2 - Influence of space activity on the biosphere of the Earth; 3 - Ecological safety of the Cosmos; 4 - Basic directions of environmental policy in the field of space activitiesReferences
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