individualization of the process of preparation, future engineers, educational and informational environment, personal strategy of trainingAbstract
The article analyzes the individual process of preparing future engineers for the use of educational and informational environment that covers subjects, concepts, settings, stereotypes, personal changes in the teaching. In the educational and informational environment the future engineer develops as a carrier of subjective experience. A modern type of relations is created between the teacher and the future engineer in the lecture-practical system of learning using information systems. These relationships are characterized by orientation towards individuality. In the situation of choosing a professional activity, the future engineer does not act on the outside, but on his own plan, created or converted in the process of active creative activity, predicting, predicting, substantiating the result accordingly. Acting in a field known to him, complementing the situation, trying out the known ways of acting to a non-typical task, the future engineer gradually comes to the idea that the relevant information necessary for the accomplishment of the task is needed, based on the subject experience of the search activity. The solving of professional problems in the educational and informational environment helps not only the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also helps in the process of self-creation of those qualities of his personality, which are necessary for future professional activity. The developed system accustoms future engineers to conscious and active work, since it almost has no opportunity to evade performance of educational tasks. In appropriate conditions, the influence of random factors is eliminated, and the final score is objective because it is based on the assessment of all types of work with all the topics of the course over a long period of timeReferences
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