foreign students, personal communication, pedagogical communication, propaedeutic trainingAbstract
The research is dedicated to the theoretical substantiation of necessity of pedagogical communication optimization in the propaedeutic learning of the Ukrainian language by foreign students at universities and practical implementation of optimal pedagogical communication model as one of the pedagogical conditions which improve the language training of foreign students during the pre-university course. The development of an effective pedagogical communication style, that covers the entire educational process, plays a prominent role. The communication style aims to facilitate students’ adaptation, create an adequate emotional and psychological climate in the learning process, and ensure the effective developing of speech habits and skills of foreign students.
Understanding the human-oriented paradigm of the higher education development requires radical changes in the university organization of propaedeutic teaching Ukrainian language to foreign students. The peculiarity of the pedagogical communication at this stage of training, which consists in the fact that pedagogical communication is not only a means of intercultural interaction, but also a means of propaedeutic training, requires optimizing pedagogical communication.
The main condition for increasing the effectiveness of propaedeutic teaching of the Ukrainian language to foreign students is the optimal pedagogical communication. Specific features of pedagogical communication in the process of propaedeutic teaching of the Ukrainian language of foreign students, factors to be taken into account when constructing pedagogical communication and, ways of optimizing pedagogical communication at this stage are outlined in the articleReferences
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