
  • Михайло Євгенович Паламарчук Київський національний університет імені Бориса Грінченка



destigmatization, disability due to intellectual disabilities, inclusive social-interactive theater, stigma, video show


In this article we theoretically substantiate the importance of information and communication technologies and mass media in the process of destigmatization of socially stigmatized groups, as well as empirically explored the possibilities of online demonstration of socially interactive performances as a means of destigmatizing the social community of people with disabilities due to intellectual disabilities. The purpose of the article is to identify opportunities for demonstration of socially interactive performances in online format (video demonstration) as a technology for destigmatizing people with ID. Research methods – logical-structural analysis to substantiate the role of the phenomenon of destigmatization in modern society and the importance of information and communication technologies in the process of its implementation, including the use of videos. The scale of social tolerance of the test "Tolerance Index" and the questionnaire which made judgments concerning a social community of people with ID. Most of the respondents were students of higher educational institutions aged 17 to 25. Performances were showed using the "ZOOM" service. Results. We studied The phenomenon of destigmatization as one of the conditions for the development of modern society; the role of information and communication technologies and mass media in the process of realization of destigmatizing influences. The technology of social interactive demonstration online is presented as technologies of transformation of ideas concerning social groups, on an example of a social community of people with ID who acted which acted; the possibilities of using the technology in the context of changing the viewers' perceptions of social groups and the dynamics of the indicator of social tolerance of the studied. The peculiarities of the dynamics of certain perceptions of the subjects in relation to the social community of people with ID and the level of social tolerance of the subjects in connection with watching a video of a socially interactive play, which presents the phenomenon of inclusion and the experience of this phenomenon by actors and actresses. It is concluded that the presentation of videos of performances, the actors of which are representatives of socially stigmatized groups create a positive effect to change the perceptions of the audience, which is also related to the dynamics of the level of social tolerance of respondents

Author Biography

Михайло Євгенович Паламарчук, Київський національний університет імені Бориса Грінченка

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