


information society, communication space, social communication, individual and social, socialization, social development.


Introduction. In recent years, social-communicative relations have undergone significant changes in both methodology and technological foundations, greatly enhancing capabilities, primarily through the development of distance learning and communication methods. The advent of advanced information technologies and artificial intelligence has led to qualitative shifts in the nature of virtual existence and has introduced new dynamics in the interactive "human-machine" system. These developments have also influenced new trends in individual socialization processes and the interaction between individuals and groups, necessitating further socio-philosophical exploration. The aim of the article is to highlight the principal issues associated with the transformation of the individual's communicative space in the conditions of contemporary scientific, technical, and socio-cultural challenges. Research methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of this article is the dialectical approach in terms of understanding contradictions, alongside the principles of systemic analysis, communication theory, and the concept of social essence of a person. Additionally, our generalizations draw upon philosophical studies of communicative discourse within the context of the contemporary information society. Research results. The advancement of modern information technologies has catalyzed a series of social and communicative phenomena, evident in the creation of a new communication space of the individual. This space is characterized by the further deepening of the "virtualization" of the communication. Discussion. Changes in the production, economic and social spheres are the objective basis of the transformation of the social and individual communication space. One of the new phenomena characteristic of the information society is domocentrism, which refers to a decline in individuals' motivation for face-to-face communication, driven by the proliferation of electronic communication technologies. This shift determines the nature of the relationship between social and individual within modern communication processes. Conclusions. The current stage of the development of the information society is characterized by the formation of a new communication space of the individual, distinct in its characteristics from the traditional social and communication systems. One of the main problems caused by this development, which require further socio-philosophical analysis, is the contradictions between the traditional forms of socialization of the individual and the newest means of establishing communication connections in the process of social communication.


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