


modern society, communication, interaction, dialogue, spirituality


Introduction. The article delves into the ethical and moral foundations of contemporary communication processes. The end of the XX century and the beginning of a new era testified significant changes across all aspects of socio-economic life, mainly driven by the information technology revolution. It is important to discuss the impact of these changes on society's future development, the social class that will drive this society, and the characteristics of the "new man" of this era. Therefore, it is critical to search for guidelines on values and perspectives for modern communication processes. The aim and tasks. The aim is an attempt to outline in general terms the main challenges and trends that affect the transformation of the sphere of the spiritual and moral world of man in the information society. To analyze the status of interaction in today's communication processes. To determine and reveal the advantages and disadvantages of modern communication practices that radically change both society and man’s world as a social subject, the defining factor of society. Research methods include a dialectical method that allows to reveal of the contradictory nature of communication processes and the logic of the sociocultural changes caused by them. To achieve the goal, the author uses the methodological possibilities of systems, cultural-historical, and comparative approaches. Turning to the conceptual analysis of such concepts as "communication", "interaction", and "dialogue" contributed to clarifying their content load. The scientific
research of domestic scientists in the fields of social philosophy, philosophical anthropology, ethics, and philosophy of culture became the theoretical basis of the research. The social aspect of communication is important for the investigation of the moral and ethical basis of modern communication processes. Research results. It is at the level of social relations, and interaction of social subjects that communication is possible as, firstly, a universal system and, secondly, as a technical system. Social relations are organically interconnected with all social subjects and with their interests, needs, values, norms, traditions, orientations, etc. Discussion. Modern researchers emphasize the difference in identifying interaction and communication. Conclusions. If the communication message is impersonal, then the interaction is always aimed at subject-subject interaction, filled with a partner's attitude towards another person, or a group of people. The article analyzes dialogue as one of the forms of implementation of interaction.


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