


information society, knowledge society, scientific communications, scientific language, information and communication systems, virtual space, scientific cognition


Introduction. At the beginning of the third millennium, information and communication technologies are transforming the language of scientific communications. The aim and tasks. With the emergence of new forms of scientific communication, it is important to study how information and communication systems impact the modern language of scientific communication. This includes identifying both positive and negative consequences that may arise from their use. Research methods are general and special scientific methods and approaches to investigate the peculiarities of the language of scientific communication systems in the information society. Research results. The process of scientific knowledge is to some extent determined by new forms of scientific communication. However, one should not ignore the changes that took place in the language of communications during their cultural and historical development and changes in the organization and functioning of research institutions. Communication in science is a complex whole system, the various components of which (formal, informal, etc.) are so closely related to each other that any attempt to study one or several of them, without taking into account the rest, is not a priori adequate. The level of linguistic culture of scientists and specialists in relevant fields has a significant impact on the formation of scientific texts and the effectiveness of the communication process. Discussion. The importance of scientific communication as an integral element of the process of scientific knowledge began to be realized relatively recently. The study of existing communication mechanisms of cognitive and educational processes, methods, and means of information and communication systems is impossible without taking into account the social and cultural-historical context of the communication process and the language of communication. In today's society, those who are proficient in navigating the virtual world and communicating through social networks have the potential for effective information exchange. However, this proficiency also exposes them to conflicts that may arise due to a lack of proper linguistic culture. Conclusions. Scientists working in different geographically distant scientific institutions had the opportunity to exchange intermediate research results and work together to solve the problem. However, the active use of the Internet by scientists in their professional activities has a negative impact on changing the language of scientific communications. This includes the decline of speech culture, the harmful effect on the human psyche, copyright infringement, etc.


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