political philosophy, postmodern culture, political communication, language of politics, human rights, neoliberalism, globalizationAbstract
Introduction. Human rights are a crucial concept in today's globalized society, and they have evolved over time into different levels. This concept has been introduced into socio-political and philosophical theories under the name of "generation of human rights". The aim and tasks are to carry out a philosophical reception of the transformation of the concept of human rights in the political language of communication. Research methods constitute structural-functional, historical, and comparative approaches in combination with philosophical principles: descent from the abstract to the concrete, objectivity, systematicity, as well as general scientific principles of correspondence and relativity, etc. Research results. The concept of human rights, being formed during the Modern period in Western society, became recognized in many countries of the world. Instead, the global integration of universalist political and legal standards faced clear contradictions. Discussion. Contradictions arose between the rights of the first and second generations, related in particular to their positive and negative forms of expression. The declarative nature of the rights of the third generation, as well as the synthetic and artificiality of the fourth, which try to interfere with the regulation of the private sphere due to the help of political "pluralism", generally deny the classical principles and norms of human rights. Conclusions. The institutionalization of the rights of the third and fourth generations can lead to a deconstruction of the principles of law. This may cause the rights of the third and fourth generations to conflict with the rights of the first and second generations, as well as with classical legal principles and norms. These processes occur alongside the postmodern transformation of the political language used globally, where various components such as individual, national, international, and intercultural aspects interact in a complex manner.
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