



екологічні проблеми, зелене будівництво, органічна зелена архітектура, екологічне будівництво, природне середовище, системи сертифікації


Introduction. The article examines "green building" as one of the methods of solving environmental problems aimed at reducing the negative
impact of building activities on the natural environment. The aim of the study is the analysis of the "green building" as one of the ways of special methods and approaches, with the help of which the peculiarities of the appearance and development of "green building" are
investigated. Research results. Many houses are being built every day, which consume natural resources and cause serious damage to
nature due to waste emissions. Since building cannot be stopped, humanity is in search for solutions that reduce environmental pollution and
energy consumption caused by this sector. One of these solutions and the most effective is "green construction", aimed at efficient use of
energy, rational use of resources, and reduction of waste emissions into the environment, which allows people to live in healthy and comfortable
conditions. In general, the purpose of such construction is to preserve the environment for future generations. Appropriate certificates are issued
to confirm that the building meets the standards of "green building". Discussion. Organic architecture intends to preserve the harmony of the
natural landscape, combining it with buildings. Organic architecture, as a type of "green building", is a completely new direction in architecture,
with its idea of penetration of the building into nature, or even, on the contrary, of the landscape and nature into the building. Although at the
same time, some of its masterpieces are already about a hundred years old. Conclusions. At the current stage, the analysis of the
development of organic "green building" shows that the ideas of integrity, organic unity of space and nature, formulated by F. Wright, permeate
and harmoniously enrich many modern architectural concepts.


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