


глобальні проблеми, екологічна відповідальність, соціокультурний вимір, когнітивний вимір, теоретичне, практичне, ціннісні орієнтації, наука, техніка


Introduction. The relevance of the research is determined by the presence of modern global problems and the urgency of their
solution. Today, when the future of civilization depends on the solution of global problems, humanity gradually begins to realize that its
further existence is impossible without fundamental changes in value orientations, principles of coexistence of sociocultural and natural
environments. The aim and tasks are a study of the sociocultural and cognitive dimensions of modern global problems. Research
methods are general scientific and special methods and approaches to research the sociocultural and cognitive dimensions of the global
problems. As one of them, the comparative axiological method was used, as well as complex and systemic approaches. Research
results. The opinion is argued that the study of modern global problems involves their consideration at two levels: sociocultural and
cognitive. The research at the sociocultural level allows one to look for opportunities to solve global problems by studying the problems
of the existing development strategy, identifying implicit value-target foundations that guide the existing development of society and the
prospect of their further alignment with universal (sociocultural) values. The research at the cognitive level mainly concerns the specifics
of the internal problems of the immediate process of solving global problems, which arises, foremost, at a shift from certain theoretical
positions to their practical implementation. This affects the "theoretical-practical" problem and is woven into the direct process of man’s
interaction with the natural environment. Discussion. The author considers the issue of the ratio of practical and moral action, which is
an important component of the issue of the ratio of theoretical and practical. Conclusions. This perspective of the research implies the
need to take into account both sociocultural and cognitive dimensions. It leads to the recognition of parity, rather than priority, in the
understanding of the strategy for the development of culture and nature. The key to solving this issue is in the anthropological sphere,
since it is the very man who actively influences the interaction of culture and nature, uniting both of these systems as ones he intimately
belongs to.


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