


соціальний проєкт, екологічна відповідальність, парк, якість життя, природне середовище, урбанізоване середовище


Introduction. The article examines the process of ecologization of modern social projects aimed at improving the quality of human life
in the conditions of a modern city. Parks are an important component of modern urban space. The aim of the research is to consider
and analyze parks as a social project aimed at increasing comfort, the human dimension of the urban environment, improving the quality
of human life, overcoming, at least partially, the alienation of man from nature. Research methods. Cultural-historical, socio-cultural
methodological approaches, historical and logical methods are used to achieve the aim. Research results. In the article, a social
project is considered to be aimed at humanizing urban space and improving the quality of life of citizens. Based on the cultural-historical
analysis of the genesis of parks in the XIX-XXI centuries, the changes occurring in the content and purpose of parks are outlined. If at
first social functions came to the fore, then gradually ecological functions began to acquire greater importance. Parks have become an
important factor in the harmonization of urban and natural space, and in the development of environmental responsibility among
citizens. Discussion. The role and place of parks in the greening of urban space is the object of interest of many scientists. Even a
cursory review of the literature on the problems of ecology and social design, their interrelation, shows the relevance of the topic, the
need for further research into its various aspects. Conclusions. In social projects aimed at improving people's quality of life, their
health, organizing leisure time, especially for children and young people, the ecological aspect is becoming more and more important.
Modern parks, activities on their creation and preservation act as an important component of modern social projects to improve the
quality of life in cities, are an example of ecologization of the content and direction of social projects..


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