


digital storytelling, information and communication technologies, media communications, multimedia


Introduction. In the modern world, the technology of storytelling being used in various professional spheres has gained considerable
popularity over the past few years. It is one of the most influential tools in the world of social influence. The aim and tasks are to
analyze the phenomenon of storytelling as one of the modern information and communication technologies and its application in various
social spheres. Research methodology. To achieve the aim the author of the study used a set of basic principles and methods of
scientific knowledge: systematic analysis, comparison, critical analysis. Research results. Storytelling is the most relevant tool of text
support. Converged text is created by using different sign systems, usually located on several platforms, which allows it to have the
characteristics of transmedia and a great communication potential. Transmedia storytelling is extremely relevant in modern
communication practices in many spheres of professional activity. The importance of storytelling and its application is taken into account
in marketing communications, for example, in advertising and PR. Discussion. Thus, the high efficiency of storytelling as the new
communication format has turned it into a relevant marketing tool used in various fields. While writing a success story, one needs to
remember five important elements: the plot, the character, the emotions, the details, and the conclusions. Conclusions. Today, the
phenomenon of transmedia storytelling attracts special attention not only as a result of the convergence of media formats but also as
final evidence of the transition from mass media to interactive multimedia, adapted to a specific recipient and entire network
communities. In the modern digital content, the growing role and importance of the visual component of information display and,
accordingly, the technical means to ensure its creation, processing, and broadcasting are observed. Storytelling is a flexible tool. There are a huge number of story options for different topics, products, etc. Storytelling is used in education materials. When the story is
placed in a visual formula, the result of its action is amplified. That is why visual storytelling is one of the tools that allow one to
effectively convey information to the audience and get an emotional response. Thus, in today's world, storytelling is understood as a
communication technology, an effective method of conveying information to the audience, to solve certain problems and ensure
effective motivation of the subject to action.


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