communication, digitalization, informatization, culture, information societyAbstract
Introduction. The analysis of attributes of modern media landscape has shown the growing significance of the society digitalization.
Today, this process extends beyond the purely technological field and serves as a core driver for the transformation of characteristics of
the sociocultural space, primarily the communicative interaction. The aim and tasks. This article aims to analyze the communicative
characteristics of the modern cultural age in the context of the society digitalization. Research methods. The methodological tools
consist of the sociocultural approach, methodological principles of systematicity, and completeness. Research results. The digital
model of world perception serves as a background for the deployment of a new communicative strategy, forming an environment for the
formation of information culture as a new cultural type. Discussion. Results of the analysis of the communicative characteristics of the
modern cultural age in the context of digitalization are adding to the conceptual achievements of theorists in the outlined issue and are
jointly aimed at finding the optimal strategy for combating the challenges of globalization. Conclusion. The communicative paradigm of
the modern cultural age in the context of digitalization is ambivalent. On the one hand, it provides ample opportunities for the
accelerated information exchange, intercultural interaction via Internet platforms, continuous broadcasting and communication online,
etc., and on the other hand, under these conditions, the communicative interaction is associated with numerous risks, including
information overload, degradation of the critical perception of the information flow, “digital inequality”, imposition of content, use of
manipulative technologies, etc. An important factor in addressing these and other problems in creating an optimal model of
communicative interaction is the formation of an information culture capable of preserving traditional and developing new values and
worldview attitudes able to meet the challenges of globalization.
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