
  • І.В. Васюк Національний медичний університет ім. О.О. Богомольця



self-development, self-actualization, personality, nature-related education, generation approach, personal approach


Introduction. The student as a personality and a specialist raises the question of his self-actualization in the context of the humanistic paradigm of education, which is based on student-centered pedagogy of cooperation. Conducting the research within the framework of personality’s approach alone does not allow to take into account the specific features of modern young generations, to indicate the main strategies of the inter-generational dialogue. The aim and the tasks of article are to explore the importance of nature-related education for personal formation and self-determination of the students in a globalized society, taking into account the individual and the generations’ peculiarities. Research methods. In the course of the research dialectical, systematic-logical and socio-cultural methods were used, as well as the method of comparative analysis of personal and generational approaches, inter-generational features of modern youth, and others. Research results. The article deals with the approach to the problem of self-actualization and selfrealization of the student, which involves addressing both the inner nature of man, elucidation of his natural instincts. In particular, approaches of Cicero and the idea of "semblance" of the work of the prominent Ukrainian philosopher H. Skovoroda, were analyzed. The method of monitoring the children’s predisposition, proposed by the latter, is considered to be effective in modern pedagogy. Specific features of young people were also analyzed on the example of the generational approach. The combination of both approaches in the system of education allows us to take into account individual and unique factors of the person, as well as the peculiarities of the formation of characteristic features inherent in a significant number of people from the same generation. Discussion. In the works of N.F. Bazaeva the concept of self-actualization and self-realization are considered to be identical. In the opinion of L. Korostylova, the process of self-actualization is a process of concentration on the inner world of personality, and self-realization correspondingly on his external. The question of self-actualization and self-realization of personality is one of the leading problems of philosophical and anthropological discourse. It is considered in the writings of modern Ukrainian philosophers: O.A. Viacheslavova, V.S. Horskyi, S.B. Krymskyi, M. Mykhailychenko, M.V. Popovych, D. Sepetii, V. Tabachkоvskyi, L. Usanova, A.D. Chaus et al. The problem of self-actualization of student youth in personality approach were discussed in the works of modern scholars: V.G. Kremen, B.G. Nahornyi, P.Yu. Saukh and others. Instead, V. Shtraus, N. Khouv, T. Narozhna, Y. Slakva, K. Amosova, V. Bondar and others substantiate the necessity of applying a generational approach in education. Conclusions. The leading role in modern education, which is based on the paradigm of student-concentration, is the realization of a personal approach in the educational process. This approach does not take into account the specific generational features of modern youth. The combination of these approaches is positive for updating the content of education, overcoming intergenerational communicative gaps. A significant problem in the system of modern education is the establishment of dialogue between students (generation Y, Z) and teachers who are predominantly representatives of the generation of Baby-Boomers and have their own peculiarities.

Author Biography

І.В. Васюк, Національний медичний університет ім. О.О. Богомольця

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