"Cosmic Style" Discourse In Fashion: Presentation Of Personality’s Freedom
fashion, individual freedom, young people, «space style», democratizationAbstract
Introduction. In the article "cosmic style" in the fashion of ХХth c. as a system of rich in content symbols, principles of construction of suit, that expresses aspiring of young people to the personal freedom is investigated. The aim of the study is to enlighten the individual's freedom and self-presentation as a discourse of "cosmic style". The object of research is the "cosmic style" as a system of meaningful symbols, the principles of costume design in the given period of time as an actual component of fashion. The question arises, in what way the youth's desire for freedom found expression in the "space style"? Why and how, in fact, this style was in fashion not only able to express young people's desire for freedom, but also to give it a proper expression? Hence, the tasks the study is to identify the fundamental changes of the creators of "cosmic style" made in the system of modern costume as a figurative system, contributed into its democratization and personalization. Research Methods. In accordance with the aim and tasks of the article, a sociocultural approach was applied, which best allows to reveal the content of the topic. The complex of methods, in particular analytical, system-logical, phenomenological, cultural-semantic analysis, was used too. Research Results. In the second half of the XXth c. fashion in a variety of directions and styles demonstrates unprecedented polyphonicity in the aesthetic expression of man. Most facilities which the fashion of this period began to operate, in the first time was presented and offered within the framework of "cosmic style". By the in a civilized manner-semantic analysis of artefacts an author exposes fundamental changes that the creators of "space style" brought in the system of modern suit as a vivid system, his democratizations and personalisations promoted. Discussion. Philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of fashion, the dynamics of changes in styles, their proposed meanings since the end of the XXth c. has attracted increasing attention of researchers. The philosophy of fashion is a separate direction both in cultural studies and philosophy. Thus, accumulated material and research methods allow us to move to a more detailed cultural and philosophical analysis of the peculiarities of the manifestation of man's desire for freedom in fashion, its styles and directions. This topic is very broad, so the article attempts to partially cover it, namely in the context of "cosmic style". Conclusions. The "cosmic style" of the 60's gave the youth an adequate form of outward expression characteristic of its desire for freedom, self-affirmation, uniqueness, a form that perfectly corresponded to the non-conformist attitude of the youth, its dynamism, and desire to live brightly and freely. The young people of 1960s searched new-style of life, new forms, for creation of the external appearance which would express personality vision of himself in the world. The creators of "cosmic style" gave these searches and aspirations of adequate form. In obedience to the spirit of time, they began widely to draw on accomplishment of high-tech in the field of materials. Influence of development of high-tech is shown in the field of production of materials on deep changes not only in a clothing but also in a lifestyle. It is underlined that scientific achievements and innovative technologies, connection of them with the creative searches of designers was given to the young people clothing and style, adequate to their aspiring to expression and claim of personality freedom.References
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