
  • Р.І. Кузьменко Національний педагогічний університет ім. Драгоманова



tolerance, co-action, constructive communication, cooperation, co-creation, human relations,


Introduction. The article focuses on the importance of such phenomenon as tolerance and its role in co-action. The latter is defined as an action, or a process of working, or acting with the Other (the exchange of information, views, opinions, experience in the process of achieving a common goal on a tolerant basis). The works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists helped to determine the place of tolerance in human interaction. It should be noted that interaction can occur at the macro level, in a group or in a team, and at the micro level, between individuals. So, we can state that if at least two persons are interacting, there is a need for tolerance. It means that tolerance helps to understand and respect another person’s point of view. The aim and tasks. The idea of tolerance as a way to the fruitful development of human relations is considered in: communication, cooperation and co-creation. Tolerance has been found to be the major factor in the co-action. Research results. Tolerance means equality in relations, coordination of actions; it is the main condition of co-action. Tolerance is a prerequisite for successful communication, which takes place in an atmosphere of trust and openness to an interlocutor who helps to see, understand and disclose others through the Other, after which one desires to do something together, act together. While communicating we can see something new either in ourselves or in another that will promote further cooperation. Only tolerance can make people closer, reveal their inner potential, make deep constructive interaction possible. And thanks to tolerant attitude to the Other one can go a long way from communicating to co-creation. Discussion. Tolerance is given a special and inalienable role in joint action: it is called to act as a mediator in all positive human interactions, to become the axis around which and thanks to which the whole globalized world will be kept. Conclusion. It has been proved that success of co-action depends on how tolerant the participants will be. Tolerance is the major factor in human interactions and the main principle of communication, cooperation and co-creation in the whole world.

Author Biography

Р.І. Кузьменко, Національний педагогічний університет ім. Драгоманова

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