Constitutional and legal regulation of local government in Ukraine
local government, territorial community, bodies of executive power, civil society, democracyAbstract
Transformation of civil society requires deep studying of constitutional and legal aspects of organization and realization of local government in Ukraine, time and practice put new doctrinal, specific and juridical tasks.Using experience of European democracy in Ukraine, both legal state and civil society, including local government with its own social and cultural, historical traditions and mentality of Ukrainians, are built simultaneously.
The works of the following native scientists are dedicated to researching of the problems of local government: M. O. Baimuratov, O. V. Botanov, V. I. Bordeniuk, V. D. Volkov, M. P. Voronov, R. K. Davydov, V. P. Kolisnyk, A. M. Kolodii, M. I. Korniienko, V. V. Kravchenko, P. M. Liubchenko and others. Scientific positions of researchers are different but they admit unanimously the necessity of studying and usage of experience of the countries of developed democracy as to this question.
Constitutional and legal regulation of local government in Ukraine is researched in the article. The role of local government in fulfillment of the development of constitutionalism and stability of constitutional structure in our country is clarified.
The Constitution of Ukraine of 1996 created constitutional and legal prerequisites of building of local government in our state, determined common bases of constitutional model of local organization of power and conceptual directions of activity of executive bodies of local government in Ukraine.
Paradigm of development of civil society formulated in the Constitution of Ukraine, is the bases of harmonization of interests of all its institutes. Local government has an important meaning in the system of civil society, becomes the factor of activization of political and civil activity of population what gives an opportunity to territorial communities to solve local questions effectively.
European Charter of Local Government of 1985 formally for today is a part of Ukrainian legislation and should be used directly in real life. The Strategy for Innovation and Good Governance at Local Level is important.
Priority direction of state policy in the sphere of local government is provision of local realization of the Strategy of the development of Ukraine – 2020 and the Conception of reforming of local government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine.
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