Legal basis of labor organization of arrested in penitentiary institutions of Ukraine


  • Леонід Аркадійович Жук Institute of Air and Space Law and Mass Communications, National Aviation University
  • Інесса Леонідівна Жук Council of Productive Forces of Ukraine
  • Олена Миколаївна Неживець National University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine



penitentiary, employment, labour organization


The article considers the organization and some details of arrested people which are detained in special institutions. Also the article considers the practical recommendations on modernization of using the labor work of arrestedpeople and the necessity of creation legal-normative norms on organization of labor work of arrested people.

Author Biographies

Леонід Аркадійович Жук, Institute of Air and Space Law and Mass Communications, National Aviation University

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Civil Law and Procedure

Інесса Леонідівна Жук, Council of Productive Forces of Ukraine

PhD, Senior Researcher

Олена Миколаївна Неживець, National University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

PhD, assistant professor of ERA


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How to Cite

Жук, Л. А., Жук, І. Л., & Неживець, О. М. (2010). Legal basis of labor organization of arrested in penitentiary institutions of Ukraine. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(11), 56–60.



Commercial Law