The current state of legal ensuring of subjective rights of the participants of horticultural society


  • Роман Олександрович Машуков National aviation University



horticultural society, participant of horticultural society, subjective civil law, a legal providing of relations


Relationships involving horticultural society and its members occupy an important place in the system of civil legal relations, because they are aimed at ensuring and protection of the subjective rights and responsibilities of various social groups.

In this work attention is paid to the fact that through the horticultural societies as legal entities, citizens have the opportunity to implement some public law rights. In particular, the right to receive their garden house address’ state registration.

The author concludes that these rights are not central in ensuring the subjective civil rights and duties of participants of the horticultural society.

It is observed that the question of ownership takes the leading position in the range of problems of these relations. At present, the mechanism of privatization of the land plots that belong to the participants of the horticultural society remains imperfect. On the legal level, the relations of property concerning the land plots, that are adjacent to the territory of these legal entities, are not solved. Without attention of legal regulation remain the issues concerning relations of ownership of the member fees within the legal person and the procedure of obligations for public services provided by the organizations and others.

Based on the research of contemporary normative acts, which are aimed at ensuring and protection of subjective rights of the members of the horticultural society, including property rights, the author makes proposals for the improvement of the current civil law.

The perspectives for further research are seen in the improvement of the mechanisms that provide legal relations involving horticultural societies, their members, and features of ensuring and protection of subjective rights of the members of these organizations.

Author Biography

Роман Олександрович Машуков, National aviation University

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D), Head of the Department of Civil Law and Process.


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How to Cite

Машуков, Р. О. (2015). The current state of legal ensuring of subjective rights of the participants of horticultural society. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(34), 92–96.

