The administrative and legal ways of providing the Information Security of Ukraine
information security, informational space, means of the Information Security, information resources, informational infrastructure, national securityAbstract
The article has analyzed the substantial essence of administrative and legal means of regulation and public administration. These means should be considered as the set of legal mechanisms, receptions and ways of establishment and realization of governmental authority powers of all branches of the power. In their turn they are aimed at providing informational security of the personality, society, state.The author confirms that means, as legal category, are the instruments of ensuring any activity and have a general scientific, inter-industry character. The purpose of this article is to define the means of administrative and legal regulation and public administration of ensuring informational security. A complex consideration of the means of this branch of the right and means of public administration is caused by need of formation of system for the sphere of realization of the legal mechanisms directed on increase of efficiency of the state and administrative activity.
The author proves that theoretical and methodological basic principles of administrative law include means of legal regulation of the relations as set of legal mechanisms, receptions and ways of ensuring information security in broad understanding of this field of activity. All this has to provide application of both general scientific, and special legal means. It is noted that the implementation of powers of the subjects of state management activities should be based on trust and support of the people, as the most important factor of coherence between entities of Ukraine in the field, which is being investigated.
The author differs the following means of administrative and legal regulation of ensuring informational security such as: legal, political, ideological, social means, informational, technological, means of personnel, material and financial security.
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