criminal rights, forensic registration, individuality of objects, methods and forms of registrationAbstract
Purpose: the article is devoted to the study of scientific and legal support of knowledge of the essence of forensic registration and its significance for criminal law. Research methods: comparative legal analysis, cognitive-analytical, etc. Discussion: forensic registration is a scientific system of registration of certain objects and their identification features to prevent crimes, their detection, search and identification of registered objects. Its system and application are based on strict observance of the law. Certificates of bodies that carry out forensic registration, after their accession to the case are used in court as evidence. Results: based on the research of these scientists, it can be argued that the methodology of cognition in the process of justice and law enforcement is based on constitutional and philosophical worldview principles (conditionality, self-sufficiency, worldview, anti-entropy, efficiency, integrativity, comprehensiveness). In addition, it includes a theoretical and conceptual apparatus and a system of means of scientific and methodological support of cognition, which structurally consist of general philosophical, general scientific, specific scientific and special methods. The analysis of the latest scientific research on the issues of scientific and legal support of knowledge of the essence of forensic registration allows us to draw the following conclusions: in the current legislation of Ukraine there are significant gaps in the forms and types of forensic registration. In Ukraine, there are many state executive bodies that ensure the registration of certain objects that are important for the investigation. At the same time, these issues are not regulated by law.
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