


ecological law, ecological policy, ecological problems, ecosystem approach


Goal: inventory of current issues in the field of ecological law, which determine the directions of scientific research and, at the same time, the necessity of special making clear in the process of teaching the discipline «Ecological Law». The statements of the latest developments of Ukrainian researchers in the field of ecological law, as well as national and international legal acts that determine the modern principles of legal regulation of environmental relations are analyzed in this study to achieve this purpose. Methods used in the paper: the analytical method, generalization and system in combination with an integrated approach were used in this study. Results: it was determined at the theoretical level of the study that the current research problems in the field of ecological law today include issues of legal regulation: 1) efficient and environmentally not dangerous functioning of economy and its individual industries; 2) rational management of nature and effective environmental protection activities; 3) organization of systematic monitoring of the state of natural ecosystems; 4) stimulating development of environmentally not dangerous technical and technological solutions; 5) realization of the right to access to ecological information. Discussion: the results of the analysis of special literature and national and international legal acts in the field of ecological law indicate the relevance of a comprehensive approach to ecological issues, in particular the need to combine development of modern environmental policy with measures in the social sphere. In fact, one speaks about the ways of search to introduce an ecosystem approach to all areas of social and economic development. At the same time, implementation of state environmental policy requires appropriate ecological legislation, which would be the result of scientific research concerning the nature of phenomena and processes, clarification of regularities and trends in development of the sphere of regulation of nature management and environmental protection activity.


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How to Cite

Mykulets, V. (2021). CURRENT PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECOLOGICAL LAW: FROM STATEMENT TO PRACTICAL SOLUTION. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(61), 24–29.

