The personal non-property labour rights of employee: content and kinds


  • Світлана Василівна Вишновецька National Aviation University
  • Марія Василівна Рощук National Aviation University



personal non-property labour rights of employee, the content of personal non-property labour rights, the kinds personal non-property labour rights, personal non-property labour rights of intellectual property of employee


The problem ofcontent and kinds in the system of labor right are investigated in the article. International and Ukrainian legal regulation of the personal non-property labour rights of employeewas analyzed; solutions to the problem are proposed in the article.

The different points of view on the concept ofthe personal non-property labour rights of employee were studied by the authors. In modern scientific research, systematic approach to human rights in the workplace is called one of the new trends, that is why of particular importance is the realization and protection of personal non-property labour rights, which enrich the right to work.The   research of the personal non-property rights of employee and to determinetheir in the system of labor rights are so actually, that is why they need to fix in modern labor lawsand in the project of  Labour Code of Ukraine in accordance to European and international standards.

The personal non-property labour rights of employeeis featuresandguaranteesthatallowfullycertainindividualwhois a partytotheemploymentrelationshiptorealizetheirrighttowork, that is why are important for employee. Fixinglistofpersonal non-property labour rights of employeeisdeficientinthedraftLabourCodeofUkraine, thereforeit  should be corrected.Authorsconsidernecessarythe consolidate a renewedcontent and kindsof the personal non-property labour rights of employee in thedraftLabourCodeofUkraine.

Author Biographies

Світлана Василівна Вишновецька, National Aviation University

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor

Марія Василівна Рощук, National Aviation University

Master Student


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How to Cite

Вишновецька, С. В., & Рощук, М. В. (2015). The personal non-property labour rights of employee: content and kinds. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(37), 88–93.

