Determination of voting results and procedure presidential inauguration republic of Azerbaijan and the United States of America


  • Вугар Давид оглы Багирли University of Azerbaijan



results of a vote, the electors, the inauguration of President


This article deals with determining the voting results and the procedure inauguration of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic and the United States. It’s considered in the article presidential elections in political terms that are essential, as a question of the head of state - government institutions, has a special place in the mechanism of government different of countries. This is especially true with regard to the presidential elections in the republics: the Republic of Azerbaijan and the United States. The final stage in the process of electing the President of the United States and the Republic of Azerbaijan is the voting and determination of its results.



Author Biography

Вугар Давид оглы Багирли, University of Azerbaijan



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How to Cite

Багирли, В. Д. о. (2014). Determination of voting results and procedure presidential inauguration republic of Azerbaijan and the United States of America. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(33), 52–55.

