law enforcement activity, graduate, second (master’s) level of higher education, competence formationAbstract
The purpose of the article is to consider the peculiarities of the formation of competences of a graduate of specialty 262 "Law enforcement activity" for the second (master’s) level of higher education. Research methods: a comprehensive analysis of regulatory and legal acts, scientific literature and the practice of implementing educational and professional programs of the second (master’s) level of higher education in the specialty 262 "Law enforcement activity" was used. Results: it was established that the formation of professional competences, despite the existence of a single Standard, takes place through the implementation of the missions and visions of the higher education institutions where this program is implemented in the educational and professional programs, with the exception of higher education institutions with specific conditions of study, where the determination of unique professional competencies does not take place. It is justified that the future law enforcement officer should implement the acquired professional qualities, combining them with his interests, needs, and beliefs. The important qualities of the future master of law enforcement have been formed, which reflect various aspects of the formation of an individual who is able to bear responsibility for the decisions made, quickly navigate in extreme situations and formed views and the main desire to constantly learn and improve oneself in the process of professional activity. The main competencies of the future law enforcement master should be: knowledge, including modern scientific achievements in the field of professional activity, critical understanding of problems in the field of law enforcement activity, specialized skills/skills for solving problems (in particular: fire training, tactical and special training, police activity , etc.), the ability to integrate knowledge and solve complex problems, the ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments, clear and unambiguous communication of one’s own knowledge, use of a foreign language, responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge, the ability to continue learning. Discussion: the study of the factors of the readiness of future law enforcement officers to interact with the public, the peculiarities of the formation of readiness to continue studying in the adult education system and continuous professional development.
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