



cyber security, cyber attack, critical infrastructure, vulnerability, computer networks


The aim of the article is research of English-language sources devoted to terminology in the field of cyber security. Research methods: documentary analysis, summarization of legal information, information from the field of cyber protection of information and communication systems, as well as practices of cyber protection of information from various cyber attacks. Results: it has been established that there is currently no unified approach to the formulation of terminology in the field of cyber security, however, when formulating the concept of «cyber security», unlike the one adopted in clause 5 of Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine «On the Basic Principles of Ensuring Cybersecurity of Ukraine», where «cybersecurity» is a state, in English-language sources the prevailing understanding is that «cybersecurity» is an action. At the same time, this action is aimed not only at protecting against cyber attacks, but also at eliminating their consequences. Among English-speaking authors, there is a certain unity regarding the classification of the types of cyber security into five main types: critical infrastructure security; security of computer programs; network security; cloud security; security of Internet system devices. The views of English-speaking authors on the definition of critical infrastructure objects are compared. The Law of Ukraine «On the Basic Principles of Ensuring Cybersecurity of Ukraine» as well as the Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine dated May 14, 2021 use the concept of «vulnerability» to cyberattacks, but no official definition of this concept has been provided. It is proposed to reproduce in Ukrainian legislation the relevant definition given in the international standard ISO 27005. Reproduced in Ukrainian are specific recommendations contained in English-language literature to users of electronic networks regarding the prevention of cyber attacks or the reduction of their consequences. Discussion: the results of the study made it possible to propose individual improvements to the legislation of Ukraine with the aim of unification with EU legislation.

Author Biographies

Guoqiang Fu

Legal Specialist

Evgeniy Krivolap, National Aviation University

graduate student of the Faculty of Law


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What Is Cybersecurity? CISCO. URL: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/ products/ security/ what-is-cybersecurity.html

Daniel Schatz, Rabih Bashroush, Julie Wall. Towards a More Representative Definition of Cyber Security. Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law. 2017, 12 (2).

Mazaher Kianpour, Stewart J. Kowalski, Harald Øverby. (2021). Systematically Understanding Cybersecurity Economics: A Survey. Sustainability. 2021, 13 (24): 13677. DOI: 10.3390/ su132413677.

Tim Stevens Global Cybersecurity: New Directions in Theory and Methods. Politics and Governance. 11 June 2018, 6 (2). 1-4. DOI: 10.17645/ pag.v6i2.1569. Archived (PDF) from the original on 4 September 2019.

Aaron Yi Ding, Gianluca Limon De Jesus; Marijn Janssen (2019). Ethical hacking for boosting IoT vulnerability management: a first look into bug bounty programs and responsible disclosure. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing – ICTRS ‘19. Ictrs ‘19. 2019. Rhodes, Greece: ACM Press: 49-55.



How to Cite

Fu, G., & Krivolap, E. (2023). FEATURES OF TERMINOLOGY IN ENGLISH LITERATURE IN THE FIELD OF CYBER SECURITY. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(66), 63–71. https://doi.org/10.18372/2307-9061.66.17419

