


means of legal technique, legal regulation, law and order, fiction, legal technique, legal fiction


The purpose of the article is to study fictions as a legal category, their place in the system of non-typical legal regulations, to conduct a scientific and theoretical analysis of the procedure for applying legal fictions in practical activities, as well as to determine their place in the system of modern means of legal technique. Research methods: the study is based on general scientific methods as well as specific legal methods, with the help of which various scientific positions and doctrinal approaches to the development of ideas regarding understanding the concept and essence of legal fictions, as well as their significance in legal sphere, have been analyzed. One of the main methods used is the dialectical method, which made it possible to establish and distinguish the qualitative characteristics of the phenomenon under study. The use of the historical method made it possible to investigate the prerequisites for the emergence and spread of legal fictions in legal practice as well as the formation of views on the essence, content and purpose of this legal category. Results: the result of the scientific work is the development of theoretical provisions, on the basis of which legal fiction is defined as a practice of legal technique, with the help of which an apparently non-existent fact is recognized as the one that exists or, on the contrary, an existing fact is recognized as the one that does not exist. By imitating reality, this practice is used to create a rule of law, which, in case of insufficiency or ineffectiveness of existing legal means, regulates social relations arising in objective reality. Also, by emphasizing special characteristics, the authors proved the importance of this universal practice of legal technique, which is not only a carrier of legislative policy, but also a tool that ensures the improvement of the effectiveness of the legal mechanism, the achievement of a higher level of law and order, and strengthening of state discipline. Discussion: legal fiction directs the process of cognition of factual circumstances to the establishment of a fact presumed in accordance with the law in case of presence of related circumstances. Fiction contributes to the justification of knowledge about a fact. This is the procedural purpose of legal assumption, that is, fiction. In the process of proving the factual circumstances of the case, legal assumption (fiction) acts as a means of their legal qualification. The use of fictions in judicial proceedings contributes to the administration of justice, exercise of right to legal protection, etc. Therefore, the spread of legal fictions and the recent growth of their role are completely natural processes, which are connected with the reformation of legal regulation, the emergence of fundamentally new branches of scientific and theoretical knowledge.

Author Biographies

Rostyslav Kаliuzhnyi, National Aviation University

doctor of legal sciences, professor, professor of the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law

Liudmyla Shapenko, National Aviation University

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of constitutional and administrative law


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How to Cite

Kаliuzhnyi R., & Shapenko, L. (2023). PLACE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF LEGAL FICTIONS IN THE SYSTEM OF MODERN MEANS OF LEGAL TECHNIQUE. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(66), 24–31.

