human rights, legal status, legal capacity, psychiatric care, person suffering from mental disordersAbstract
Purpose of the article: to identify ways and normative aspects of optimization and improvement of legal regulation of the status of a person suffering from mental disorders. Methods: comparative legal analysis, cognitive-analytical, etc. Result: it is established that Ukrainian legislation develops to international standards and helps to combat discrimination against persons suffering from mental disorders. It is concluded that at the legislative level, people suffering from mental disorders are not sufficiently provided with social services. Ways to promote the development of non-discrimination policy for mentally ill people are proposed. Discussion: international standards for consolidating the legal status of persons suffering from mental disorders are analyzed. The main provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, special guarantees of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are described. The main normative aspects of the legal status of a person suffering from mental disorders in Ukraine are highlighted. The peculiarities of the domestic legislation and directions of its improvement in the part of counteraction of discrimination of the persons suffering from mental frustration are defined.
The main task of the state is to protect the rights of mentally ill people, because mentally ill people are considered the most vulnerable category of the population. Ukraine has developed a legal framework for the observance and protection of the rights of persons suffering from mental disorders, but the mechanism of application of legal norms that ensure the implementation and protection needs to be improved. People with mental disorders have certain characteristics and physiological needs, but they also have the right to professional and medical care at a decent level. After analyzing the standards of treatment of persons with mental disorders, we can conclude that a person can decide on the method or need of treatment, but at the same time takes into account the person’s condition - whether he can understand and decide on his mental state. People with mental disorders, like everyone else, have the right to education and employment, as well as protection from all forms of discrimination.
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