mental stability, mode, danger, airspaceAbstract
The article is aimed at a comprehensive legal analysis of the existing system of means of ensuring mental stability of civilian aircraft crews during the flight mission, determining the measure of influence of institutional instruments on the state of training of crews for the flight task and psychological stability in stressful situations. Methods of research: during the work, the main scientific methods of system analysis, formal logic and the method of classifications were used. The system analysis method is used accordingly to determine the current state of legislation in the field of ensuring the psychological stability of civilian aircraft crews. The method of formal logic made it possible to determine scientific views on the categories of legal elements of regulation and admission to the flight mission of civilian aircraft crews. The classification method made it possible to determine ways to further improve institutional techniques regarding the impact on the regulation of mental and psychological stability of civilian aircraft crews. Results: the study of the issue of psychological stability of civilian aircrew allows to determine the ways and methods of minimizing the impact of negative factors and risks of the flight task process on the security status of the flight process participants. The results of the study, outlined in this scientific article, allow you to determine further steps in the study of the problems of the legal aspects of the formation and control of psychological stability of civilian aircraft crews. Discussion: the problems of mental stability of civilian aircraft crews are applied from the point of view of the development of air law.
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