factory legislation, social evolution, slave law, worke, individual labor, collective labor, social and legal status, labor legislationAbstract
Objective: to conduct a thorough analysis of the evolution of human rights at different stages of development of society, to study the main aspects of the formation of socio-legal status of man in the field of labor. Research methods: general scientific and special methods are used in the work. Results: the peculiarities of the formation and development of labor legislation are analyzed, the foundations of primitive society as individual and collective labor are studied, the main aspects of the formation of factory legislation during the labor movement for labor rights are determined. Discussion: the main trends in the formation of labor legislation and the formation of human rights in the XX-XXI centuries.
In primitive society the main thing was collective work. However, the improvement of the means of production became the basis for the emergence of individual labor, which led to the emergence of slavery. Slave relations led to the fact that all physical labor was performed by slaves, and free people considered physical labor a humiliation.
Under feudalism, the basis of production relations was the full ownership of the feudal lord of the means of production and incomplete ownership of the producer (peasant). Feudal law primarily enshrined the feudal lord’s ownership of land and the duties (duties) of the peasants, ie the domination of the feudal lord and the dependent position of the peasants, who were forced to work for free and were subject to corporal punishment.
With the proclamation of freedom of labor during the French Revolution, new approaches to labor regulation were formed, labor became a commodity, and the sphere of labor from the sphere of public regulation passed to civil law.
Dissatisfaction and incompleteness of the laws on hiring workers in practice was manifested in the abuse of factory owners in relation to workers. The result of such arbitrariness and lawlessness was the strikes that engulfed a significant number of industrial factories in 1884 and 1885.
An important contribution to the development of labor legislation was the adoption in 1918 of the Labor Code of the RSFSR. According to this Code, all citizens were required to work. All this prepared the ground for the adoption of new codification acts on the labor of the Soviet republics, in particular the Code of Labor Laws of the USSR on December 10, 1971.
In Ukraine, the formation and development of labor law as an independent industry took place during the Soviet period of its history. And in the 90s of the twentieth century began a complex, long, sometimes painful process of building a modern European democracy, where people are not only proclaimed the highest social value of the state, but most importantly - will feel that way.
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